“What can we say about someone who lives in Israel but decides at some point that he doesn’t want to take part in the occupation and settlement enterprise? What do we expect from such a person? These are serious questions and I want serious answers, from both the right and the left.”
I think there is no way to live in Israel without contributing to the occupation. There isn’t even a way for an American to live in the US, and pay his taxes, without contributing to the occupation. But the best way to live in Israel, as an Israeli, is to oppose all government policies that go against the promptings of one’s conscience and to support all non-violent means of social, regime and policy change. My personal question is about the responsibilities and constraints within which a resident alien non-Israel citizen should work. Being a resident alien in any country means that one is kept outside the democratic process of that country. In some ways, it’s the worst position to be in.