” It has been obvious for some time that social media were moving us in the direction of a post-truth polity. The rise of Donald Trump (and Brexit) suggests that we have arrived at that particular destination. ” Russian hacking of the US election is the most extreme case of how the internet is changing our politics | Opinion | The Guardian
There are 94 posts filed in link (this is page 8 of 10).
Seth’s Blog: The post-reality paradox
“When Hillary Clinton lies, her standing decreases. But when Donald Trump lies, it actually helps his standing among his followers. That’s because he’s not selling reality, he’s selling something else.” Seth’s Blog: The post-reality paradox
Home address on https://map.what3words.com/
Hemingway, hounded by the feds
Yuval Noah Harari: the theatre of terror
Just a chapter from his book, it seems, but brilliant.
This, too, is genocide – Opinion Israel News | Haaretz
That an Israeli minister states that he intends to work to reduce the birthrate among a specific ethnic group, and does not find himself sent home that same day or under arrest until the end of legal proceedings, is a new low of degeneration and disgrace.
Rare images document the centuries-long history of Africans in India
Fascinating story of Africans who arrived in India and sometimes became kings.
Rare images document the centuries-long history of Africans in India.
Israeli binationalism is old news – Opinion Israel News | Haaretz
Israeli binationalism is old news – Opinion Israel News | Haaretz.
Thoroughly agree. But this is for an Israeli audience. And though some Israelis are beginning to wake up to this reality, they do so at a time when Palestinians are finally having some success at getting European governments to accept “Palestine” as a state. So now, if Israelis start saying, “wait, the two state solution is completely unrealistic,” it puts Palestinians in a position of looking foolish.
In terms of control, Israel pulls the strings, calls the shots, but in terms of an occupied people and their moral right for freedom, it is the underdog that has to be listened to. Every people has a right to self-determination, with regard to the character of its leadership and national identity. If the Palestinians want to be independent, they have the right to be, and if they would prefer to coexist with Israelis in a single nation, then it’s a question for both peoples to decide, together. Israel would need to present a proposal to them to agree to go on living together, but in a binational democratic state. What is not acceptable is to leave things as they are.
Entombed: Life in the USA’s cruel isolation chambers | Amnesty International
Entombed: Life in the USA’s cruel isolation chambers | Amnesty International.
80,000 kept in solitary at any one time.
Ulcers in Zion
OpEd in Ynet, “Abbas’ strategic threat could be more dangerous than Hamas” by Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to US, shows that Abbas is managing to hit home.
via Abbas’ strategic threat could be more dangerous than Hamas – Israel Opinion, Ynetnews.
Nahum Barnea (same paper): “Netanyahu needed Abbas – if not as a real partner, then as a fig leaf. That fig leaf has flown away. There is no one to hide the bluff.”
Gideon Levy (HaAretz):
“he told the truth. When he said the Palestinians had been “uprooted from … their good land,” the Israeli television commentator explained that this was a “harsh speech of incitement.” The entire nationalist chorus, from the Labor Party on, with the backup singers of the United States, broke out in shrieks of shock and condemnation. Honestly! How dare Abbas, that ingrate! ”