The Asus X200MA is our new computer (for D and me both). It has a Pentium processor, an 11 inch screen, 4GB RAM and a 500 GB hard drive. I got this mainly for our travels. My Dell Vostro isn’t so much bigger but that thing is hardly portable due to its poor battery life (it lasts about 10 minutes).
The Asus comes with Windows 8.1, but I don’t plan on using that. D can use that. PuppyLinux is the only OS I use these days and it works fine on the Asus – I was sure to check that before purchase. The only troublesome thing is the touchpad. It’s over-sensitive, stupid and I didn’t figure out a way of cancelling it, as the synaptics driver doesn’t work for this one. So my solution is just to keep it covered up. No problems about that!
One thing that surprised me about the Asus is the great sound. It’s better than any computer I’ve recently used, and almost as good as the old HPs we had with the Altec Lansing speakers. This will be a great computer to have with me in India.