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Moved blog again

This blog goes back to 2003, though I’ve made most of the early posts private. Over this period it’s been on various blogging platforms on a number of hosts. Sometimes I’ve taken it offline, or marked the whole thing as private. I also do quite a lot of writing offline, in text files or in paper notebooks. For the last few months I’ve been doing the latter. Then I learned about, and decided to move it there. It was a little hard to set up, but certainly wasn’t the hardest hosting arrangement I’ve struggled with, and the transfer went smoothly. I thought about buying a Genesis theme that I fancied, then decided to use Weaver Extreme. Weaver really offers a flexible and easy framework and is fine especially for the minimalistic look I want, with a separation between different post categories. For now, I’ve removed the photo albums I’d started to establish, in order to keep storage space down and the hosting cheap. For now, I’m happy with the result. I’ll probably do a couple of other things later, like adding a Let’s Encrypt certificate.