“Son Visage et le Tien”, a long essay by Jenni Alexis. Interesting, so far. The English Wikipedia article about him references an article in the Atlantic, “When does a writer become a writer“[1]. Alexis, like T.S. Eliot, Franz Kafka, John Steinbeck, Margaret Duras and so many others that the article doesn’t mention, has a daytime job. Winning the Goncourt prize came as a big surprise for him. It’s the kind of attainment that so many aspiring writers dream about.
[1] https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2011/11/when-does-a-writer-become-a-writer/248945/
Despite all the predictions that the Pegasus affair would be all forgotten after a few weeks, no, the company’s woes seem only to be accumulating. Blacklisted by the US gov’t, half a billion dollars in debt, and now being sued by Apple.
NSO was about to sell hacking tools to France. Now the Israeli spyware company is in crisis. | MIT Technology Review https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/11/23/1040509/france-macron-nso-in-crisis-sanctions/
Apple Sues NSO Group For Hacking Its Users https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kbvyb/apple-sues-nso-group-for-hacking-its-users
“For the experts and activists who have been accusing NSO Group of enabling authoritarian abuse for years, it’s a victory that is long overdue.”