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Poison flowers

It’s the pleasure of finding articles like this that makes the web worthwhile. The non-commercial web. The writer describes the qualities of the oil found in poison ivy, which causes so much grief to Americans, but which is prized in Japan for its use in traditional lacquer-making. He also points out, or claims, that Japanese and native Americans are less susceptible to injury by the oil or the plants that contain it. The plants are related to the cashew and the mango that hail from South Asia, which also cause nasty allergic reactions in those who need to deal with the trees or harvesting their fruit. Only humans, it seems, suffer from the bad effects of urushiol.


Y found music by an interesting artist couple – he sent the link to Spotify but I also found them on SoundCloud: Santi & Tuğçe – I am listening on headphones to their stuff just now, and it is nicely blocking out the lousy music from a hinna party taking place next door, as well as the sounds from the TV. There is so much good and interesting music that is being produced. I don’t know how the artists are making their money, when we can listen to it for free, but the variety is so varied that something must be happening right.


It seems that I made yet another mistake with my server while trying to get Friendica working the other day – the support person claimed that I’d deleted the ETC directory. All I know is that I had attempted to get Filezilla working better, and was trying different configurations – then suddenly nothing worked. I deleted the server, and then created another to try again with Epicyon – this time with nginx. Meanwhile, I’ve put the blog and the photos back on Fastmail.


I so love thorns.