I have picked up a slight cold, as often I do when cooler weather sets in. “Cool” may be a bit misleading for folks north of here. We haven’t need to turn on the heating so far, but also haven’t turned on the A/C for a month at least. Since we don’t need either for several months of the year, perhaps our carbon foot print is a bit lower than the results given by those websites that try to estimate one’s carbon emissions. On the other hand, most Europeans don’t use A/C in the summer as we do.
Having a cold has given me the excuse for spending even more time than usual at my desk. I’ve followed all those ActivityPub conversations from the last few days and gotten to thinking that I don’t so much feel at home there, even without actually participating in the chatter. It’s a real “kishkushiada” as they might say in Hebrew (a place of relentless chit-chat). In that sense, my former timeline on Hubzilla was a bit more relaxed. It’s all the threads that drive me crazy: the statuses that begin with “Replying to…” – each of which needs to be expanded in order to find the context. Perhaps I need to do some weeding and follow people who are less chatty. And also spend less time there.
It brings me to the question of whether it’s actually worthwhile to install a personal Fediverse instance again. My current thinking is that it isn’t. My personal website is a better place to invest my efforts. I still have the hope for it to become a “digital garden”, though I’m not confident that I’ve chosen the best medium for it. I dither back and forth on these things.