Tuesday was my last day at work, so I’m now officially retired. I sat with Ira again, explaining a few more of the responsibilities and departed the office in the early afternoon.
This was also Israel’s Memorial Day, which precedes its Independence Day which, because the Jewish Holidays extend from evening to evening, began at sundown. We currently have a foreign guest, so we took him to Tel Aviv to see the part celebration / part demonstration happening there, and were joined by H., first for a meal in an Italian restaurant.
It’s the first time in memory that I’ve visited any kind of celebration for the Independence Day, and H said it was the first time for her too. It wasn’t a pretty sight. Lots of children spraying foam at each other from cans that they later discarded in the streets, among other garbage left there – I guess there will be a massive clean up operation on Thursday morning.
This year the event was combined with the protest events that have been taking place for the last 3 or 4 months. Walking around Tel Aviv and joining the crowds, there were lots of opportunities to take photos, and I’ve already uploaded some of these.