Sometimes I aspire to the kind of life lived by Sri Aurobindo, in his later years, or Ramana Maharshi, in his earlier years, i.e. mostly in seclusion and never venturing out into the world. Perhaps I’d just go on long solitary walks, read, or spend time in meditation. I’m invariably cheerful in my own company.
In the morning I took advantage of the cool weather to do some basic yardwork – weed-whopping, hedge trimming, lawn mowing and path blowing, all with various parts of the Stihl Combi, a kind of Swiss army knife for gardening.
Afterwards, D had volunteered to attend a hearing at the supreme court involving the village, so I agreed to join her. It was an interesting experience, but ultimately the whole affair made me feel unhappy, and I wish I’d stayed at home.
Meanwhile the capital was busy with the stupid nationalistic March of Flags – from the bit that I saw of it, it looked like groups of indoctrinated school kids, bussed in from various settlements.
In the afternoon I took a nap. D went to visit neighbours and I made myself a meal of rice, tofu and tomato sauce, seasoned with moringa powder, shoyu and Tabasco, washed down with Israeli Gold Star beer.
I read a bit more of Mondiano’s Cafe de la Jeunesse Perdue – I love the atmosphere of his novels.
I didn’t listen to any music today! Maybe that’s why I feel sub-optimal.