I’ve booked a ticket to Istanbul for August 1. I want to get away for August, and wasn’t sure whether to go east or west. But, from a journey I made almost forty years ago, I know that I like the city, and it serves as a hub, so I will decide what to do when I’m there; either spend a couple of weeks and come home, or, indeed to extend my journey. If D decides she wants to join me, it will probably be to Europe; otherwise I may decide to go to India.
Spent an hour trying to get an old Rapoo bluetooth keyboard working properly in Linux. It disconnected every few seconds, and I was thinking I’d need to buy a new keyboard. But the problem seems to have been solved or mitigated after uncommenting a couple of lines in the bluetooth configuration files.
Demonstrations against the judicial reform shook the country and scores of people were arrested for blocking city streets, highways and the airport. As for me, I was at home, pottering around the house and playing with a new pen that just arrived from China.
The afternoon walks around here are pretty boring actually; maybe even in the best of seasons. A monoculture of pine woods, and fields. But when I go with a camera, I begin to see things that I wouldn’t normally notice. That seems to be the beauty of photography – to help us to train the eye to see what’s out there, and to find new ways of looking at it. I’m having a lot of fun with this.
Not many wild flowers to look at in this season, other than these globe thistles.
More in the photoblog gallery.
The collapse of insects Well-made and invested piece from Reuters
Is China really leading the clean energy revolution? Not exactly
The country generates more solar energy than all other countries combined, but burns half the planet’s coal. There are lessons here for the rest of us, though.