The Uninhabitable Earth

audio – Guardian interview with the writer, David Wallace-Wells
He expanded the original NY magazine article into a book

Stoppage of USAID funding to West Bank, Gaza set to hit Palestinians hard

USAID, US NGOs leave Gaza, West Bank over terrorism law
‘It really hurts’: US aid cuts hit most vulnerable Palestinians
The Demise of USAID Efforts in the West Bank and Gaza
Trump admin to end all USAID projects in West Bank and Gaza by January 31
USAID to end all Palestinian projects on Jan. 31st
‘USAID to end all Palestinian projects on Jan. 31,’ former director says
After 25 years, USAID Palestinian mission set to close at end of month

The change even means the stoppage of funding to ongoing Israeli – Palestinian peace projects like the change agents courses of the School for Peace and its Palestinian partners.

3 articles on climate change

CNN currently is running 3 good articles on climate change (I say articles, because I’ve disabled CNN’s video autoplay and usually just read them)

Climate change: The more we know, the worse it seems

How to solve the world’s plastics problem: Bring back the milk man

Teen activist tells Davos elite they’re to blame for climate crisis

She traveled to Davos 32 hours by train to avoid flying. That makes me feel guilty about booking that plane ride from Delhi to Bangalore now, rather than face a journey of a similar length. OK she’s only 16 and I’m 62… but maybe on the way back up.