Is there a way to live in Israel without contributing to the occupation? – Opinion Israel News | Haaretz

“What can we say about someone who lives in Israel but decides at some point that he doesn’t want to take part in the occupation and settlement enterprise? What do we expect from such a person? These are serious questions and I want serious answers, from both the right and the left.”

via Is there a way to live in Israel without contributing to the occupation? – Opinion Israel News | Haaretz.

I think there is no way to live in Israel without contributing to the occupation.  There isn’t even a way for an American to live in the US, and pay his taxes, without contributing to the occupation. But the best way to live in Israel, as an Israeli, is to oppose all government policies that go against the promptings of one’s conscience and to support all non-violent means of social, regime and policy change.  My personal question is about the responsibilities and constraints within which a resident alien non-Israel citizen should work.  Being a resident alien in any country means that one is kept outside the democratic process of that country.  In some ways, it’s the worst position to be in.

Apple, Google default cell-phone encryption “concerns” FBI director | Ars Technica

Apple and Google are making things difficult for law enforcement, but:

“The weak link in the law enforcement scenario for Google and Apple is cloud storage. Companies can and will turn cloud data over to the police, and Google has even done it proactively. Smartphones today have cloud backup systems for just about everything, so while this will probably protect you from individuals trying to snoop in on a stolen or resold phone, there’s nothing to stop the police from getting a warrant for data on your phone or for data stored in the cloud connected to your account.”

via Apple, Google default cell-phone encryption “concerns” FBI director | Ars Technica.

I think I misunderstood the quoted paragraph.  Apple says that it’s not possible for them to surrender such data in IOS 8 Blogs Still Trump Streams for Longform Content With a Long Shelf Life

“In 2011, when Google+ just started, some high profile people said they were walking away from their own self-hosted domains and just redirecting to their Google+ profile, which was flying with comments and +1s. I warned against this move, saying “I Gave Away My Web Identity. All I Got Was a T-Shirt.” Even when the product you’re pointing to is high quality, it’s very unlikely a stream-oriented product can match the quality and depth of longer form content that belongs to you.” Blogs Still Trump Streams for Longform Content With a Long Shelf Life.

He quotes an article with a similar message, “Why Blogging Still Matters: Data, Distribution, and Ownership of Content” by Adam Singer

The Rich Are Getting Richer, Part the Millionth | Mother Jones

It’s not easy finding new and interesting ways to illustrate the growth of income inequality over the past few decades. But here are a couple of related ones. The first is from “Survival of the Richest” in the current issue of Mother Jones, and it shows how much of our total national income growth gets hoovered up by the top 1 percent during economic recoveries. The super-rich got 45 percent of total income growth during the dotcom years; 65 percent during the housing bubble years; and a stunning 95 percent during the current recovery. It’s good to be rich.

via The Rich Are Getting Richer, Part the Millionth | Mother Jones.

By A Large Majority, Israelis Fed Up With State-Mandated Religion –

By A Large Majority, Israelis Fed Up With State-Mandated Religion –

The 2014 Religion and State Index demonstrates growing public support for freedom of religion and equality in Israel. In addition to surveying Israeli public opinion on core issues surrounding Israel’s religion and state conflict, (marriage, conversion, equality in sharing the burden, Shabbat, gender, and others) this year’s Index bears a clear and crucial message for world Jewry: More than two-thirds (67%) of Israeli Jews support joint efforts between Israel and world Jewry for freedom of marriage in Israel.