War and occupation

Jonathan Cook and Noam Chomsky have good pieces comparing western attitudes on the war in Ukraine to wars and occupation in Palestine and Iraq. Predictably, it’s fine to express righteous indignation towards what the Russians are doing in Ukraine but not against the US or Israel.

On one level, it’s a great relief to be in the consensus regarding the Russian invasion, but this should make us feel profoundly uncomfortable if we are not similarly anti-war-&-occupation in other cases too, when we are not within the consensus. Iraq and Palestine are excellent examples.

The mainstream press and public opinion are full of bull. We are blinded by propaganda and unconsciously drawn into hypocritical positions. The only good thing about the Russian war machine is its lack of apology and pretence, its “this is who we are” stance, though the lack of pretence is itself a pretence.

We the people lack sufficient power to stop nations in their tracks when they go on a war footing. If we are lucky, we can vote; we can register our opposition through protest. Or maybe we can grab the kids and go somewhere else – somewhere safe.

We can’t remove ourselves from the equation, however. As much as we try to exclude ourselves, we are responsible. The racism is our racism. The violence is our violence. I am the arms merchant. I am the pirate.

I am also the victim. Empathy and compassion are more appropriate than detachment, cynicism and despair. Looking for ways to help counts for more than being right.

Freedom outside the press

Yesterday I listened to a 90 minute interview of Kim Stanley Robinson by journalist Ezra Klein in his podcast. It’s the first time I’d listened to Klein – I had never even heard of this seasoned American journalist. But the interview was impressive from both sides. Klein, who says that Robinson’s Ministry of the Future was the most important book that he’d read that year managed to ask questions about many of the central features of the novel, and, in response, Robinson spoke about topics like Eco-Marxism, which is an ism that I hadn’t heard of.

I live very much on the periphery of ideologies, though of course the ideas trickle down through alternative social media and even mainstream media. Wikipedia has a comprehensive article on Eco-socialism. In the interview Robinson describes Marx as a good historian but a bad science fiction writer “like all of us” – because it is so difficult to predict the future. Of course, this is a bit ingenuous, because Marx would have been trying not passively to predict but to shape the future. If the analogy doesn’t seem ingenuous to Robinson, it would be because he too is trying to model and to promote scenarios in which we might beat the climate crisis.

It’s interesting that Robinson, in his novel, gave comparatively little space to the role of the news media. Perhaps, as a novelist, he can afford to stand somewhat outside the media and its influences, though of course he needs it as a platform to speak about and sell his books. The podcast was a good example. As a novelist and a science fiction writer (“cli-fi” is another of the terms I have just heard about), Robinson has greater freedom than journalists or even non-fiction writers, to speak about ideas like eco-terrorism, and to assign a role to these in the coming years.

The degree to which journalists enjoy freedom depends upon where they are situated and who they work for. The journalist Jonathan Cook yesterday published a critical article about the Guardian’s George Monbiot. Monbiot is one of the newspaper’s most important voices and he specializes in climate change. Cook challenges him not on climate change but on his lack of interest in the case of Julian Assange.

Assange, I think Cook would agree, is probably the world’s most important/iconic persecuted journalists: a person whom the US government wants incarcerated, if they can’t assassinate him first. The Guardian reports on his case because it has to, but without much enthusiasm, and Monbiot, one of the more radical journalists in the Guardian’s employ, ignores the case. Cook says it’s because Monbiot is an “owned man”, in the pay of the Guardian and the Guardian is, in turn, in the pay of the establishment.

Cook has an even more potent example – the recent series by Al Jazeera on the character assassination of Corbin and the way this was used to promote a more moderate figure like Starmer. He says, justifiably, that the Guardian, together with other British newspapers, have almost totally ignored the story in the attempt to get it squashed. He also asks why it took a Qatari paper to uncover the story in the first place.

I recently subscribed to Jonathan Cook’s Substack account, as well at to the nonpaid part of Glenn Greenwald’s Substack. These are two journalists who decided to leave the pay of mainstream media and to go-it-alone, for similar reasons: they think that in order to do the kind of the journalism they are interested in, they need a greater degree of freedom than is accorded to them in mainstream media. Greenwald even felt obliged to leave the alternative media outfit that he helped found.

Cook, Greenwald and others like them are doing a good job, but we, and even they, still need mainstream media, obviously. They need it to get their stories out, even on a freelance basis. We need it because independent journalists can only cover a smidgeon of stories – those that are of interest to them.

We still need Big Media, just as we need nation-states and all the other apparatus of the establishment, even as we try to change it. But in order to get a fresh and independent perspective, as in the example above, we need to look beyond our country’s mainstream news media. Al Jazeera certainly isn’t free or independent. It’s owned by Qatar, a corrupt, undemocratic oil state. But on some issues, they can talk freely and provide a different perspective. They can give us the dirt on Britain’s Labour Party. If we want to learn about Qatar, we will need to look elsewhere. If it’s Ukraine? Al Jazeera follows pretty much the Western line, as far as I’ve seen, with some editorial exceptions. “Editorial exceptions” we can find even in the Western press, though.

If we want to form a balanced view, it’s crucial for us to look outside the prison of our own cultural perspective and deliberately hunt for different points of view, wherever we can find them.

Robinson, in his novel, does not ignore the influence of social media. His Ministry of the Future even creates a new, non-corporate version of it. He seems to be unaware of already existing phenomena like the Fediverse. Unfortunately, the Fediverse, like mainstream social media, is a mixed bag when it comes to the expression of independent voices: Just as on Twitter or Facebook, the Fediverse has influential people who are in thrall to the established opinions that they have picked up from mainstream media. The dialogue, or lack of it, around Ukraine is a recent example. The war is being followed like a football match, with everyone rooting for the same team. Very few people are actively seeking an end to the war. If they do so, they can, as in one post I saw, face being censured like Pope Francis for piping up “just when Ukraine seems to be doing well.” Western leaders are, in the meantime, happy to see Russia humiliated, while their weapons industries benefit from this new lucrative market.

Accepting that culpability is seldom equal, each party goes into a conflict with its own set of needs. The way out, when there is a mediation process, is not necessarily a compromise. For example if Ukraine is demanding territorial integrity and the ability to make alliances independently of Russia, but Russia wants guarantees that its security needs will be respected and that it will not be encircled by hostile powers, a way can be found to meet both of these needs. I’m just speculating. But the best way to end this is not by penalizing, squashing or obliterating one side while championing the other, even if that’s our fantasy.

Besides being out of step with our times, the war has been a crime against the earth at the most critical time in the history of our civilisation. We have to find a way of stopping it immediately, as well as to discover a formula to prevent future wars like it. We cannot afford to fight on two fronts at this time.


Yesterday evening I finished watching the first season of “The Bear”, which somehow lives up to all the rave reviews of the critics. It does so more on account of its presenting a situation than for its storyline – the plot for all of the first season could be summarized in two or three lines.

The Bear - poster

So we watch it because we find the characters interesting; because as humans we are interested in humans. The show’s humanity is the reason for its success. Nobody gets fired, no matter how outrageous their behavior, because they need each other; they are in it together. How great it would be if this were the case in real life.

There was a teacher at our village school – she taught the children how to make art out of garbage, recycling or reassembling materials that people would dump outside her door- like cardboard or old magazines – or which she would bring from nearby factories. Using the materials at hand was also how she would relate to human beings: it might sometimes be more convenient to replace them but, since anyway we are all flawed things, it is more sensible to learn how to work most effectively with the ones that are here with us.

The same lesson has to be internalized and applied to ourselves, with whom we are also stuck; our tally of fatal flaws, past traumas, weaknesses and fears. It’s a matter of working with all these elements and alchemizing the crap. Like shining a pair of beat-up old shoes; like cobbling together a raft to save us from the flood. Perfection is a bricolage of broken parts. Or, seen differently, imperfection is maya, illusion, and we are already perfect as we are. The effect is always present in the cause, the manifest in the unmanifest.

Mastodon vs the blog

I realized, on looking at the parameters of Mastodon, that even though I own the instance, if I wish to actually preserve what I write, I had better write here in my blog. I knew it, but hadn’t completely internalized that. The capacity of my server space on Mastohost is inevitably limited and anyway, what I write here gets a local copy. So Mastodon will be for links, reblogs or posts that I care less about, inevitably. The question is always “why blog at all” (as opposed to writing a diary)? I suppose because it imposes a certain discipline. It isn’t a question for me regarding the need to write (in itself); that’s just something I feel compelled to do; it’s the way that I process experience.

Walks, thoughts

It being the eve of the Day of Atonement, when the roads become quiet and the sounds of nature come to the forefront, I enjoyed my afternoon walk through the woods and fields, without the distant roar of traffic.

Earlier I had seen part of an episode of The House of the Dragon series and read the final chapter of Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry of the Future . Probably these influences were in the background of my thoughts. The Dragon series is about in-family rivalry over the struggle for the throne and dynastic succession – itself rather a boring plot-concept, but one that is well-rooted in our history and culture. One of the characters, thinking of his legacy, says that history remembers “name” rather than “blood[line]”. The interest in how one will be remembered is, according to vedantic thought, a projection of sat (existence), and the longing to live forever; the instinctive wish for immortality.

The Ministry of the Future also circles around these ideas of mortality and legacy; of the meaning and possible influence of a single human life and of the survival of the species in the time of the climate crisis. Taking the risk of venturing into new-agey territory it celebrates nature and urges human self-restraint in terms of population growth, resource use and territorial expansion.

I already feel like I’ve lived a long life and when I die can hope to be forgotten. But most likely I will go on living for awhile, so I sometimes feel a need to assess the use of my time. Influenced by yoga and eastern philosophies, I have always understood life and human evolution as the striving for the attainment or rediscovery of our true nature. Besides the aspect of sat (existence) mentioned above, this is said to include also chit (consciousness) and ananda (bliss, or joy). We have a voracious interest in acquiring knowledge and experience on account of sat and chit, and a hunger for pleasure on account of ananda. All three of these basic instincts are infinitely insatiable. So we want to live forever, accrue knowledge, experience, money, material goods and sensual gratification, while fearing suffering and our mortality.

Indian philosophy says that the only way to “quench / to extinguish” these drives is through inner/integral (not solely intellectual) understanding of our true nature as already immortal, omniscient and joyful. Thereupon, according to both Buddhism and yoga, we attain nirvana (which means literally the action of extinguishing).

So how to do that? Not, I think, by denial of these instincts (asceticism). That has no meaning. Not by diminishment. As we approach death, we experience the extenuation of the physical and mental faculties. This morning I read that dear old Shraddhavan recently died at the age of 80. This English woman was one of the founders of Auroville and for years and years held study circles on the meaning of Sri Aurobindo’s poem Savitri. The obituary said that since the end of last year, she began gradually to “fade away”. Whether or not that is true I do not know, but my hope is that this was just how it looked. My hope is that, rather than diminishing, we grow, i.e. expand into the cosmic, the universal, the infinite. From the outside, this can also look as if we are “fading” because the attention has shifted.

In the final pages of The Ministry of the Future Robinson mentions the statue of Ganymede and the eagle on the lake shore of Zürich. His character surmises that the bird may really be the phoenix, which constantly rises from its own ashes, and that the bronze human statue is making an offering of himself, and all that is, to it, for the sake of immortality.

Ganymede statue, Zurich
Figure 1: Ganymede statue, Zürich (Wikipedia)

At the end of the day, we die. The atoms that made up our bodies, our brains and the wisps of consciousness that gave meaning to our lives, seep out into the ether. They are carried on the cosmic wind, to recombine and make new bodies, new souls. We may hope to leave a legacy, to live on through our children or our good deeds. But the fear of death and the longing to continue at all costs, even with senses and bodily functions impaired, seem to express doubt.

If we want to die instead with an intimation of our immortality, with awareness of the universal, and with the feeling of deep joy that are our birthright and inner-nature, we need to consecrate our lives to expansion, rather than fear extinction. But why wait for death, if we can seek to do this already? That’s the purport of vedantic philosophy.

This still does not really answer the how. On my walk, perhaps with Robinson’s Ministry resonating still in me, I began to think that one approach could be to live more closely to nature. From the perspective of climate action, this is a little counter-intuitive. The best arrangement for humans is to inhabit small to mid-sized communities or towns that provide most of their needs within walking or cycling distance, without the need to commute or import. Ideally goods would be shared rather than owned. If we are fortunate to live in a place where heating and air-conditioning are less necessary, the carbon footprint can be further reduced.

But there are communities that fulfill these requirements while still being close to nature. That’s why I looked again at Auroville (and discovered Shradhavan’s death). From their newsletter I also learned about the latest developments regarding the internal strife that they have been experiencing within the last year. But like the Aurovillians themselves, I believe they will eventually overcome those difficulties, since their lives there really depend upon that.

As human beings in our world community, the lives of our children and grandchildren depend upon overcoming the enormous challenges of our era. It’s the dire necessity of doing so that underlies the optimism in Ministry of the Future. As Robinson says, “we will cope no matter how stupid things get” and “the only catastrophe that can’t be undone is extinction.”

I would add that something of ourselves survives even extinction. Matter, energy and consciousness are never truly destroyed – they simply recycle to make something new. Seeing this can lead to an understanding of the inseparable interdependence between ourselves and our biosphere. If as a species, we begin to get, to really grok, this interdependence, we will surely take all the steps that are necessary to safeguard our planetary home.

How aesthetics influences my use of software and the web

It’s hard to admit it, but if I look at my consumption habits on the internet, and of my use of software in general, I am definitely influenced by the way a site or an application looks. I will tend to prefer those that look attractive to me. I can point to various examples.

SeaMonkey browser has a very good solution to RSS news feeds. It’s easy to subscribe, and it arranges them like email messages under separate folders. It’s easy, quick and responsive to skim through news feeds. Yet although SeaMonkey’s presentation is not what you would call ugly – and there are worse examples of feed aggregators – I have to force myself to go there and start reading. Back when I was using Google Reader and Feedly, it was easier.

SeaMonkey user interface
Figure 1: SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroup screen

Similarly, Thunderbird, which derives from SeaMonkey, is an excellent email client, but, try as I might, I find myself steering towards webmail clients such as Fastmail’s (and Gmail’s for the office). I often read mail in the webmail client, then compose the replies in Thunderbird, which gives me more control.

Wikis are sometimes a better solution for building websites than blogs. Material is arranged by subject rather than chronology for one thing. Yet when I try to read articles produced in Dokuwiki and Mediawiki, for example, I am often put off by the way they look. They are just too boringly plain for me, I suppose.

LibreOffice is a fine wordprocessor, and for me just as good as, and easier to use, than its commercial competitors. But, when I write text, I will usually prefer a simple text editor. I think I’m put off by all those tool bars, rows of icons and the menu system.

My taste is not necessarily dictated by what’s considered slick. I dislike many modern websites, with their oversized graphics, animation and glitzy formatting. Similarly many shopping sites are attrocious (could that be the real reason why I cancelled my Amazon account?). But I often like simple blogs that use attractive fonts, good proportions between the sizes of titles and texts, and nice use of graphics. And news media sites are usually fine for me (though I’m usually seeing them ad-free).

I like to think of myself as uninfluenced by style (Lao Tzu: “The sage is for the belly, not for the eye”) and free software is often more drab than its commercial equivalents. But the truth is that my tendency to use software or visit websites is quite affected by appearance, even if the selection is not always conscious.

I once read that all of us weigh up and unconsciously evaluate a website within a few seconds of landing on its home page. And just as surely, our sense of aesthetics is influenced by trends and the conditioning derived from what we have seen before. It’s a bit like cars. What makes the latest models look attractive to us, while those of a few years ago seem dated and old-fashioned? There’s nothing intrinsically better about the new designs. A visitor from another planet would not necessarily choose the new design over the model of a decade ago.

New fediverse instance

I decided to take the plunge and launch a new fediverse instance, using the services of mastohost.com. The new instance is at social.vikshepa.com/@hosh.

A few weeks/months ago and again now, I looked at practically all of the available fediverse flavours and tried to set up two or three of them. Each time I either failed or had to give up in the middle, whereas previously I had managed on my home server or shared hosting. Perhaps I’m getting old.

Among those that I looked at were Friendica – Hubzilla – Zap family; Mastodon and Pleroma, Epicyon and GnuSocial version 3 (which includes an Activity Pub protocol extension).

Some of those failures may have been caused by unfulfilled dependences in Kamatera’s server packages (such as missing PHP modules), or due to choosing the wrong web-server software (NGINX or Apache), or because the recommended installation involved something like Docker, which I didn’t want to use. Docker appears to be more resource hungry, which means renting a more expensive VPS.

With Pleroma, which is said to be easier to install than Mastodon, the instructions for OTP install currently fail for me at the point of downloading the Pleroma software package. Earlier this year there were problems in the team of developers, out of which a new fork appeared called Akkoma (see details). I considered trying to install that, but who knows whether it will last? Even its developer isn’t sure.

With Epicyon, the setup goes perfectly, but when trying to access the site, I got a 502 Bad Gateway error. This happened after two installation attempts.

So, despite my preference to go-it-alone, I eventually decided to try an easier way, and signed up with Mastohost.com, which automates the installation and setup in a very cool way and promises to maintain the instance afterwards. Which, at this stage, sounds wonderful to me. I bought their cheapest plan, which is currently $6/mo., so it’s only good for one instance, or maybe would suit a family or a small team. That package is smaller than the other managed Mastodon hosting that I was able to find. Joinmastodon.org lists a few options for managed mastodon hosting. Of those, there is a German web host that offers a €5 plan, but their website is German-only.

For now, this is an experiment. My social media use is likely to be light, which is another reason to choose Mastodon (or perhaps Pleroma). I want to be able to follow a few people and for the news stream to look like a microblog (whereas Friendica or Hubzilla’s posts are larger and do not flow as quickly). And I am not interested, this time, to put up long posts or media; these will be posted on my website. The one time that I might be interested in sending such posts directly on Mastodon is when I’m away from my computer and have access only to my phone, such as while traveling.

Although it has become the most popular alternative social media platform, I’m aware that there are many things to dislike about Mastodon, in comparison to other platforms. I’m told that its implementation of the Activity Pub protocol is quirky or individualistic, and it won’t talk to any other protocol. Its privacy settings are undeveloped in comparison to Zot. It lacks the nomadic and clonable features of Zot, and so forth. So adopting Mastodon is a bit of a compromise for the sake of convenience.

There are a few reasons for opting for a personal instance over using a public server. First, the whole meaning of the Fediverse is that it should be a conglomeration of separate instances talking to each other. Popular fediverse sites, with a large number of instances become silos in the same way as Twitter and Facebook, though they are non-commercial in nature.

Second, Fediverse sites last as long as their owners and administrators have the motivation or resources to continue them. In fact, most of the Fediverse sites on which I have been active, have eventually gone down, beginning with Laconi.ca / Identi.ca. When they do work, they don’t always work well. Disroot.org’s former hubzilla server seemed to be down as often as it was up. Its current Pleroma instance is not letting me follow more than my current two people. Having a personal instance promises greater control.

Third, I’m unhappy with public timelines. On Twitter or Facebook, there is no such thing as a public timeline, whereas every fediverse site has these. Most people would regard them as a feature: they are, after-all, a good discovery engine. However, a couple of times I’ve run afoul of public timelines through accidental posts. Once, when I was on Fosstodon, I had set up WordPress to automatically send updates to Mastodon. Then, when importing a bunch of old posts into WordPress, it sent a dozen old posts at once. As a result, I got accused of spamming, and taking undue advantage of the instance’s resources. In the absence of a public timeline, that sort of thing is less likely to happen. If it did, the posts would usually be seen first by followers, who could choose to block you or send a warning. Depending on the settings of remote instances, posts seen by followers may still end up federating to public timelines. Unfortunately, Mastodon is less privacy-aware than the Zot platforms, where privacy settings can be more finely tuned, though I do find, under “posting privacy”, an option that prevents distribution of posts to public timelines. I’ve also elected to opt-out of search engine indexing (though not all search-engine crawlers honor that).

I’m not a very social person, either digitally or in person; I suppose I lack the social graces, and sometimes feel embarrassed by my interactions. Embarrassment is not a quality of those who are “good” at social media. Many of these are prone to outbreaks of objectionable behavior, which oddly enough, seems to increase their popularity. Probably they are appreciated for their supposed authenticity.

By the way, regarding Mastohost, I was pleasantly surprised to see that its developer-owner and the data center it uses are European.

Europe and its problem with Fascism

The world watches in trepidation while yet another European election threatens to bring in right-wing populists – this time in Italy. It’s pretty exasperating to see this constant tussle between inept centerist parties and their far-right adversaries. Europe needs change, but its people keep looking in the wrong direction, choosing the worse over the simply bad.

Sometimes it looks like we have to either fight tooth and nail or flee, like those Russians now massing on the borders and trying to get out, because the state eventually came knocking on their doors. Or like the Israeli leftists who leave to countries where they can learn to shrug off the local politics. Or the Brits who fled Brexit, or refugees everywhere. Sometimes living in another country is simply less painful. If you live as a resident outside you native country’s borders, the army recruitment center isn’t going to come looking for you or your children. It’s true that you’ll have less power and influence, and will probably be unable to create change either in the country of your citizenship or in the country of your residency. In the conditions of today, that’s the price that you pay.

One day, in a more stable world, the purpose of nations will be to serve their citizens and safeguard the environment. Citizenship could be abolished and replaced with residency. You live in a nation of your choosing and both you and the nation enter into a contract. You pay your taxes and the nation provides you with the social services that you need. That’s the basis. On a local level there are other commitments, in order to build a sense of community, since loyalty anyway works more naturally on a local level, while “patriotism” and “nationalism” are usually encouraged artificially, by politicians, for extraneous or nefarious objectives. In the 21st century, it has become more important for everyone everywhere to pledge our alliegance to the planet than to the nations that are working together to destroy it.

Free speech

PayPal Demonetises the Daily Sceptic

… PayPal just doesn’t like free speech, which is why it has shut down the FSU [Free Speech Union] account … There are five issues in particular where it’s completely verboten to express sceptical views and if you do you can expect to be cancelled, not just by PayPal but by YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.: the wisdom of the lockdown policy and associated Covid restrictions, the efficacy and safety of the mRNA vaccines, Net Zero and the ‘climate emergency’, the need to teach five year-olds that sex is a social construct and the war in Ukraine. Dissent from the prevailing orthodoxy in any of those areas is no longer permitted.

This is the new front in the ongoing war against free speech: the withdrawal of financial services from people and organisations that express dissenting opinions on those topics. And not just those who express them, but those who defend them, too, like the FSU. That‘s what makes this an escalation in the war on free speech. Until now, companies like PayPal, GoFundMe, Patreon and CrowdJustice have only demonetised individuals and groups whose views they disapprove of. Now, PayPal has closed the account of an organisation that defends people’s right to free speech, without taking sides on the issues they’re speaking about. Even that is no longer allowed, according to this Silicon Valley behemoth.

I don’t know anything about the above website, though the author’s framing of the “five issues” leads me to suspect that I might not agree with him on some of these. But I think the action taken against him should bother us. Not because our own opinions stray from the orthodox, but because we need to reserve the right to think differently and to express opinions that differ from those of the mainstream. It’s been pointed out elsewhere that there are gaps between European and US interpretations of the meaning of free speech. (For example some European states outlaw the expression of Nazi sympathies.) But here the US corporations seem to be closer in their approach to the Europeans.

In so far as Western countries differ from authoritarian regimes, it means that whereas adopting a wrong opinion on Ukraine can get you incarcerated in Russia, it can get you demonitized or demonized in the West.

Orthodoxies and the rules for enforcing them change and vary from place to place. The boundaries and the buffer zones between the acceptable and the forbidden shift, or expand and contract. It’s always more or less painful to be situated outside of the mainstream, whenever and wherever we live. But without pushing up against those boundaries, social change and reform would be impossible and societies would remain static and rigid in their orthodoxies.

The main problem with opinion is its association with identity. Defending our opinions is confused with a defence of the self, and, in the same way, people are loved or demonized for their opinions. Politicians who change their opinions are accused of expediency, though Gandhi was famous for reserving the right to inconsistancy. An anarchist friend of mine said that being able to change opinions was a sign of sanity, while holding rigidly to the same views was insane. Most of us would admit to modifying our opinions over time, often to accord with the prevailing wisdom of the times. When I was growing up, I unconsciously absorbed so many of the orthodox English working-class views of my parents and grandparents, from which I was only gradually able to liberate myself over the years. The problem is that we continue to be influenced by the false arguments of journalists and influencers, while staunchly believing in our intellectual autonomy. That’s why it’s necessary to listen to, if not learn to tolerate, divergent opinions and arguments. If our press, our financial services or our regime don’t allow them, we’re in trouble.

The Ministry for the Future

Enjoying this book by Kim Stanley Robinson. It’s less a novel than New York 2140, or Aurora, the only other books of his that I’ve read.

A science fiction novel rooted in non-fiction

More like an amalgam of random various texts – some scientific, some philosophical, some journalistic, some anecdotal – with a bit of a storyline and a few characters to hold it together. But, in so far as presenting a possible future history of climate change, and climate action, in the mid-21st century, the formula works. And, more importantly, it fulfills the promise of serious speculative science fiction, of getting us to think about the future that we are making for ourselves, right now.

I thought about that today, when spending the afternoon with my grandchildren. I considered their own hopes and dreams, and how some of these might be stymied by the increasing devastation of the planet.

I just came back from flights overseas – flights that took me to Portugal via Belgium: looking at that absurd right-angle on the map makes me feel ridiculous. Like the times I reached Delhi via Moscow. I think in future, if I fly to Europe it will be to the city nearest to my intended destination – then overland, somehow. But, when I check the possibilities, the costs of such travel far exceeds that of plane tickets, unfortunately. In a better world, governments would be doing more to reduce the costs of overland public transport. There’s still no real way to get from Israel to Europe or the rest of Asia other than by flying. The ferries of yesteryear, that plied the routes between Palestine, Greece and Italy, are no more, and the uncertainties of travel in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan prevents passage through those countries to further east. The world is less open today, and travel is more dependent upon airplanes, than when I was young.

Links: Food

Gates-Funded ‘Green Revolution’ in Africa Has Failed, Critics Say

Critics say the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, founded in 2006 with money from the Gates and Rockefeller foundations, has promoted an industrial model of agriculture that poisons soils with chemicals and encourages farmers to go into debt by buying expensive seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. As a result of that debt, some farmers have had to sell their land or household goods like stoves and TVs, said Celestine Otieno and Anne Maina, both active with organizations in Kenya advocating for ecologically friendly practices. “I think it’s the second phase of colonization,” Otieno said.

EU wastes 153m tonnes of food a year – much more than it imports, says report | Food waste | The Guardian

Back home from Camino

We’re back home from the Camino: this time the Camino Portugues. It went well, despite mishaps. The principle mishap was getting COVID about 3 days into the walk. Both I and D got it, by turn. It wasn’t so significant – just fever and a cold for about 3 days – but it slowed us down. We mostly rested those days, and took private rooms, of course, rather than dorms, and wore masks everywhere.

So we didn’t complete the planned 200+ kilometers, and did perhaps 160. The walking was the best part. Of the towns, we enjoyed visiting the old cities. Porto’s amazing – and we spent about 3 days there – but overly touristic. Like other famous cities, it suffers badly from its popularity.

Porto, photo of river and skyline

As we combined the coastal way with the traditional central route, we enjoyed both the coast and the inland areas. Inland, along the Portuguese and Spanish parts, often actually means wide river estuaries. These have been compared to the fjords of Norway.

In Porto, I was inspired by the museums, as I sometimes am. The National Museum in Porto was mostly closed for renovations, but had an amazing exhibition on Magellan – whose expedition was the first to circumnavigate the world. I had never considered the singularity of his attainments and courage – virtually discovering the Pacific Ocean (which he named) and then successfully navigating across it. His expected trans-Pacific voyage of “3 or 4 days” took 3 months and 20 days. Learning about the expanse of the oceans in comparison with the size of the land areas changed human perception of the planet. Magellan’s voyage was really a leap into the unknown – more so than the voyages of Columbus, a few years earlier. I wonder if the men who sailed in those ships would have done so had they known what the voyage would entail? Of 5 ships and hundreds of men, only 18 made it around the world. The rest died of hunger, disease, in battles with indigenous peoples, or in mutinies. The men of one ship fled home earlier, escaping during the search for a passage through the straits at the bottom of Chile. Magellan himself perished in a battle in the Philippines. It was only a stroke of luck that the ship’s chronicler, an Italian by the name of Antonio Pigafetta, made it home and spread the story.

We also visited the Seralves museum, which is on the outskirts of the city. There were several interesting exhibitions. A common theme, perhaps, was learning to see the world differently. This was true of the filmmakers shown, especially Manoel de Olveira – whose career spanned decades: he began making films in the silent era and continued till close to his death, at the age of 106. In the interviews, it was stated that he didn’t believe in the reality of the world as most of us see it. The same idea – of learning to perceive the world in new ways – was there in all the other exhibitions, including those of Rui Chaves and Maria Antonia Leite Siza. The latter was a young artist of the ’60s who died at the age of 32. The exhibition traces her drawings from the advent of her short career till close to her death. The covers of her bed, in which she enjoys to spend so much time in dreams becomes in the drawings a pupis, through which she rises like a butterfly. Agnès Varda is both a filmmaker and a photographer. In the exhibition is a work on potatoes, in which one sees this earthy vegetable transformed into an object of wonder. The images are shown in a room in which the floor is covered with actual potatoes, so that their fusty odour permeates the space.

I suppose that what art can do for us is to help us change our perception of the world, in this way. The museum is set in a beautiful park; and the park, as well as the architecture, enhances the same purpose.

Seralves Park, Porto

For example, one of the features is a “treetop walk” that allows us to explore nature in a new way. And, back on ground level, there was a venerable chestnut tree, whose characteristic spiny fruit littered the entire surroundings like objects fallen from space. So the park, which we explored afterwards, helped to transport the inspiration gleaned from the exhibitions, outwards into nature.

Seralves Park, Porto: acorns on the ground