It’s so wet out, it seems I can’t walk around at night without killing snails, poor things.

No survivors from today’s air crash

Very sad. The plane was going from Addis to Nairobi. I have flown Ethiopian to India and have no complaints about their service. Their last serious crash was in 2010 and this was a brand new plane. But it reminds me again that whenever possible we should be taking direct flights (safer, saner and better for the environment) and traveling by ground transportation when that’s possible.

Storks sighted

Hello Europe, Jerusalem calling: storks sighted, on the way to you. Squawks of geese heard too.

Privacy Badger

Some websites, like The Hindu (newspaper) don’t allow access from browsers with Ad blockers, but do allow access from browsers with the EFF’s Privacy Badger, which blocks ads that track you. That’s another reason to use this add-on, in browsers that it supports, in preference to Adblock Plus for example. PrivacyBadger doesn’t support Falkon browser for example, though it does support Waterfox.

Musk /Yeun

I think Elon Musk has an uncanny resemblance to Steven Yeun in the Korean movie “Burning”

Got Mutt set up again

Got a working setup for Mutt configured for my Disroot mail account.

I’ve played with Mutt before, and at one stage set it up in quite a sophisticated way.  Nowadays it’s easier – you can actually get away with just the program itself for sending and receiving. But the .muttrc file is still tricky.

Green tea

After learning a little about the tea trade in India, I’ve developed a sudden liking to organic Japanese green tea.


It’s a sign of the times that Vivaldi’s neat presentation of one’s browsing history and top sites seems creepy rather than helpful.

GIMP works again

Success! Spent an hour hunting down the culprit – a rogue libbabl version – but GIMP now works again.

G-Suite on Linux

Because the current iteration of Google Drive works painfully slowly in Mozilla based browsers, I tried installing Chrome. Drive works a little faster, but it won’t let me share folders – I’ve tried in two different computers. In my desktop computer, Gmail now won’t open at all in Chrome.

Of course, Linux has no native support for Drive Stream, and I once had a bad experience once with InSync – it moved a lot of personal files into the office folders. I also tried Gnome accounts, but couldn’t get that to work. There’s ocamlfuse, but reading about the set up makes me feel weary. I need G-Suite only for my office job, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult.