I don’t know if anyone has figured out yet how to deal with Trump and the new era he has forced upon us. It’s questionable whether the normal state of opposition to regimes that we don’t approve of is sufficient in the case of Trump. Many journalists seem to have adopted a total opposition that confronts Trump’s lies with their own exaggeration, however sometimes this is necessary in the case of a leader whose worst sins are not lies but deeds. He is a danger – no longer just a danger but effectively detrimental – to American and world democracy. He is beginning to unravel and undermine efforts towards handling climate change, upon which our future depends. He is damaging relationships between the U.S. and the world. He has brought in a team of tycoons with narrow interests that are unfavorable to Trump’s own constituency. He is indicating an appetite for increased military spending. He is limiting advances in women’s rights. And there are many other dangers and uncertainties ahead.
A president who plagiarizes his inauguration speech from Hollywood blockbusters, even steals the design of the cake from the previous president and then lies about the size of the crowds attending, is being transparently honest with the American people. He’s saying I won this and now you’re screwed.
Polanski’s The Ghost (Writer)
This excellent thriller is about a person called to write the memoirs of a fictionalized Tony Blair, who turns out to have been a CIA stooge.
It’s certainly ironic to be watching it today, when we have a new American president accused of being a Russian lapdog.
Resisting the normalization of surveillance by demonstrating that we care
In the coming weeks the UK will pass the most stringent and far reaching surveillance law in any western nation. In the US, millions of people are alarmed about the possible implications of electing to the highest office a demagogic xenophobe with a muddled right wing agenda. Other countries too have been tightening up their surveillance laws, using the danger of terrorism as excuse. In response to this massive assault on our privacy, it is our duty to resist surveillance, either through political means, or by demonstrating as individuals that we care about our privacy and will do all that we can to protect it. In fact, we will deliberately make life difficult for security and law enforcement agencies to collect information on us.
Visited the house that A. is building next to Auroville.
The place is in a development of 15 – 20 homes on a private piece of land. Some of the people from the ashram is building there.
Her house, without land, will cost about 21 lakhs, which she says is about 40,000 Euros. It looks to be about 50 square meters. It’s a 2 bedroomed house, 2 bathroom house with a possibility of renting out one of the rooms. She says that the building costs between 1500 – 2000 rupees per square foot. The house sizes are calculated in feet. The variation between the budgeted cost and final figure is about 4 lakhs.
It took only a few months to build. She complains about the lack of professionalism of the constructors, who did not know how to read the plans properly and made various mistakes, like adding walls where none were supposed to be there. There is little oversight by the authorities. There are disagreements over whether a bore well will be needed or not. There is no garbage collection in the area.
The house is very nice and airy – her guest room would be a possibility for living when I stay in Auroville.
A. is the wife of a Tamil musician. Apparently quite famous in Europe. Her son also became a musician. When she was 30 she learned that she is half Iranian. Her mom had an out of marriage relationship with an Iranian man. She had wondered why her sister looked so different from her.
Her husband proposed to A. one time when he was visiting Germany. She was 21 and he was 12 years older. The marriage had its ups and downs, particularly when they came back to India. She learned that in India everything must be done with the family and she felt like she needed personal space. At one point she had an affair with a Palestinian here in TN. Things went badly when some Israelis spoke to her, thinking that she was Israeli. He had an attack of paranoia and almost killed her, in a lonely place near Mamalapuram. She continued to be afraid of him. But later he apologized. The incident may have been triggered by drug use.
A. was a hippie when younger, traveling to Lebanon. At one time she was captured and threatened by the Phalangists. They thought she was a spy, or in somebody’s pay.
A. and her husband lived in Germany most of the time till about 4 years ago, when they started to spend most of the year in Chennai. He is 68 now, which would make A. about 56. They were were married in 1981. They have a son who is a musician. A. is a psychotherapist. She also writes. She has been coming to Auroville occasionally for the last 4 years and now hopes to live here, perhaps with the exception of the hot period when she will go back to Germany. She says she is slowly getting rid of what she has there – she says she has about 10,000 books, for example.
Glasses Prescriptions
I never understood those numbers that opticians give when writing eye prescriptions. So I was reading now on the web what the numbers means. I don’t know why I never did this before. Because I didn’t understand anyway, I never even made the attempt to note down or remember those numbers, so I don’t really know how much the eyes may have changed over the years. We should take responsibility to understand matters relating to our health so that we have an informed understanding. Even my teeth I don’t really remember what is going on with them. It is something about being a child and then feeling like it is anyway out of our hands, and if we are not careful we grow up that way. And there is also kind of a disproportionate respect for doctors – probably more especially in working class families like the one I was brought up in. So I inherited that too. So foolish!
daunted by disqus logins
I’m fairly careful with passwords – I use a password manager. But just occasionally something goes wrong or gets outdated. That happened now with Disqus. So I went through the attempt to make a new account, discovered I had an old one, did the password reset. But the darn thing still didn’t work, so I gave up. How much time can you give to these things, and why should you?
Anyway, the thing I wished to comment on was the Wired article about Cloudflare. Which may be a good PR piece about how Cloudflare is working to aid encryption, but completely ignores the issue that Cloudflare in parallel is doing all it can to make life difficult for users of Tor. As any Tor user can tell you, hitting a Cloudflare site generally sends you to a Captcha verification. Cloudflare hates Tor and Tor users hate Cloudflare back. If the web was working properly, Cloudflare wouldn’t exist in the first place. But then, neither would Tor, I suppose. Meanwhile, happy to discover Opera’s new VPN system.
On the lifealtering challenge…
Akhil Sood on the the life-altering challenge posed by Thomas Pynchon’s V – The Hindu
Post-truth reality
” It has been obvious for some time that social media were moving us in the direction of a post-truth polity. The rise of Donald Trump (and Brexit) suggests that we have arrived at that particular destination. ” Russian hacking of the US election is the most extreme case of how the internet is changing our politics | Opinion | The Guardian
Seth’s Blog: The post-reality paradox
“When Hillary Clinton lies, her standing decreases. But when Donald Trump lies, it actually helps his standing among his followers. That’s because he’s not selling reality, he’s selling something else.” Seth’s Blog: The post-reality paradox